Two friends. Decades of nonprofit experience. Bringing experts in nonprofit development together to improve the consulting experience for you.

Sara Johnson-Steffey

MA in Sustainable International Development. Professor of Nonprofit Management. Mom of four. Passionate about helping organizations become change agents in their communities.

Laura Lewis

MA in Higher Education. Experience as a consultant and Director of Development at a large nonprofit. Mom of two. Dedicated to helping organizations flourish in long term planning for financial success.

Agile started because we wanted to bring our knowledge together, offer a higher range of services and attention to clients, and lift up the amazing stories of organizations with a new consortium of service providers in our communities.


Our Values

  • Advise

    It all starts by learning how to focus on what your organization wants to achieve.

  • Inspire

    We help you draw out your vision and give coaching to build out your goals.

  • Support

    We provide capacity for you to strive for your mission and skills to implement your goals.